Keuper Building on a sunny day.

Guideline on Closing an Off-Campus Instructional Site that Serves a Cohort

Guideline Name: Guideline on Closing Off-Campus Instructional Sites that Serve Cohorts

Related Policy:  Florida Tech Policy for Reporting Substantive Change

Prepared by:  Accreditation Liaison

Original Date:  November 12, 2021

Current Guideline Date:  November 12, 2021

Applicable to:  All off-campus instructional sites that provide instruction to cohort groups of students



The university periodically offers instruction at off-campus instructional sites to a specific cohort who seeks to earn a defined degree or certificate.  These off-campus instructional sites must be approved through normal university processes and by SACSCOC as a new off-campus instructional site.  These sites accept applications until there is an appropriate number of students admitted to offer the program at the site.  Once the initial cohort begins, applications are typically accepted for future cohorts.  There may or may not be enough interest at the site for future cohorts. This guideline provides guidance as to when to submit the site for closure through normal university process and to SACSCOC.


  1. The university is required to close an off-campus instructional site that is no longer admitting students. A site that plans to stop admitting students should follow the process outlined in the Florida Tech Policy for Reporting Substantive Change.
  2. If a site that serves a cohort continues to accept applications for future cohorts, the site may accept applications for 2 years after the most recent cohort graduates. At that time, if the site does not have a sufficient number of admitted students intending to enroll to offer a cohort, the site should cease admission and follow the Florida Tech Policy for Reporting Substantive Change.


“Sufficient number of admitted students intending to enroll” is defined annually by the Provost and is included in this guideline.  The enrollment threshold for an off-campus instructional site is 15.

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